Virtual Incubator Environment (VIE) for Startups

A bundle of design tools and technologies to accelerate your design of innovative products.

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CAD and Simulation Tools

  • Start-ups can access all of the tools listed below.
  • Users will be notified and given access to new software as it becomes available.
  • Let us know if there are other tools you are interested in.
  • Support includes training courses (charges apply), webinars, documentation, and IT support from CMC staff with a maximum 2 business day response time.

R&D, Prototyping and Testing Services ​

  • Up to 10 engineering hours from CMC staff to help you with your business. Areas of engineering expertise include microelectronics, photonics, MEMS, microfluidics, embedded systems, and more.
  • Access to hardware and software for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning applications:
  • Includes initial CPU or GPU compute hours, depending on the node.
  • Access to nanofabrication labs for customized or advanced fabrication technologies, allowing you to build research networks with academic institutions, and disseminate information across Canada.
  • Access to a wide range of development, test, and measurement systems for short term needs. 

Fabrication Access

  • State-of-the-art fab processing in microelectronics, silicon photonics, and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS). See the fabrication technology page for details.
  • Low cost fabrication is available through Multi-Project Wafer runs for prototyping/low volume activity.
  • Assistance in packaging and testing your devices is available.
  • Separate charges apply for fabrication cost, assembly, and testing services. 

Annual Fee

$2,500 CAD

Some services, such as additional CAD licenses, fabrication, and R&D services may have additional costs. 

How to Apply

Applicants must submit an eligibility form to

256 Start-ups

Graph showing steady growth of startups over 25 years, totalling at 251

CMC simplifies access to advanced technologies for researchers, start-ups and SMEs. In the past 25 years researchers have reported 256 spinoff companies of which more than half are still Canadian controlled and active. The 10-year survival rate for CMC enabled start-ups is 80 percent, far better than the typical rate of about 45 percent.

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