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Quick Start Guide: Installing Cadence Fidelity Pointwise via CADpass Client Secure Connection

Licensing Requirements or Restrictions
Usage terms and conditions apply to this software. For more information, refer to Licensing Requirements or Restrictions on the associated product page:

Table of Contents

CADpass client secure connection (will be referred to as CADpass client or CADpass in this document) is a utility provided by CMC Microsystems that creates a secure connection between client PCs, workstations, and computer sessions, and the CMC managed infrastructure.

This quick start guide provides instructions for installing Cadence Fidelity Pointwise mesh generation software on Microsoft Windows, using CMC CADpass to access shared licenses on the CMC License Management System (LMS). The procedure has been tested on a Windows 10, 64-bit system.

Prerequisites for Installing Cadence Fidelity Pointwise with CMC License Manager System (LMS)

Before you begin this installation, you must:

  • Register with CMC Microsystems at
  • Have your faculty supervisor open an account through the CMC subscription page at
  • Have administrator privileges for the workstation on which you are installing this software
  • You must have a unique login name (Linux or Windows) that does not contain a blank space. A username such as “charlie brown” contains a space, while usernames “charlie.brown” or “charlie_brown” do not contain spaces.

The following are examples of unacceptable login names because they are not unique: admin or administrator, root, super, sysadm, user, owner, student, guest, temp, and system.

System Requirements

The following requirements are recommended by the Cadence support staff to achieve better performance:

Setting up CADpass Client for Use with Cadence Fidelity Pointwise

  1. Follow the instructions in the quick start guide to download and install the CADpass client.
  2. Start the CADpass client and log in using your CMC Microsystems username and password.
  3. When the CAD access window appears, double-click Cadence.
    A red checkmark appears next to the entry, as shown in Figure 1. Leave this checked while you are using the software.
Figure 1: A Red Check Mark Next to the Cadence Entry Indicates a Request for a License

Obtaining the Software

Download the Pointwise installation archive from the CMC Microsystems website: Save this executable to a temporary directory.

Installing the Software

The Pointwise software is an installation executable that is available from the CMC Microsystems website.

  1. In the temporary directory, locate the file Base_POINTWISE* and click it to start the installation.
    The dialogue Welcome to the Fidelity Pointwise Setup Wizard appears, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: The Welcome to the Fidelity Pointwise Setup Wizard Dialogue
  1. Click Next.
    The dialogue Right to Use License Agreement (RTULA)  appears, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: The Fidelity Pointwise Right to Use License Agreement (RTULA)
  1. Read through the agreement, check I accept the RTULA, and click Next to proceed with the installation.
    The dialogue Select Destination Directory appears, as shown in Figure 4.

    Note: If you are unsure of your obligations regarding this software and its RTULA, contact to discuss your concerns.
Figure 4: The Select Destination Directory Dialogue
  1. Enter or browse to your installation directory, and click Next.
    The dialogue Select Start Menu Folder appears, as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: The Select Start Menu Folder Dialogue
  1. Accept the defaults and click Next.
    The dialogue Select Additional Tasks appears, as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: The Select Additional Tasks Dialogue
  1. You may choose to Create a desktop icon. Click Next to begin the installation.
    When the installation has finished, the dialogue Completing the Fidelity Pointwise Setup Wizard appears, as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: The Completing the Fidelity Pointwise Setup Wizard Dialogue
  1. Click Finish to complete the installation.

Setting up Cadence Fidelity Pointwise License Access

Before starting Pointwise, the CADpass client must be running.

  1. Start the CADpass client and log into your account using your CMC Microsystems username and password.
  2. In the CADpass client window, select the Cadence licence icon, as shown in Figure 1. Keep the Appgate client up and connected when using the software to enable licence server access.
  3. On your workstation, from the Windows Start menu, select Cadence | Fidelity Pointwise.
    The software starts, and the Fidelity Pointwise main window appears, as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8: The Fidelity Pointwise Main Window


If the tool fails to install properly, contact CMC Support for help with diagnosing the problem.

Additional Support Resources

The following suggestions may be helpful for beginners:

  • A Tutorial Workbook and Tutorial files are available in the main Pointwise window under the Help menu
  • A user manual and Topic help are listed under this same Help menu.
  • To set up an online Cadence academic training account through which to take Fidelity Pointwise courses, contact

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