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Heterogeneous Processing Platform (HPP)

The Heterogeneous Parallel Platform (HPP) is a highly customizable, flexible and extensible single node computing system integrating a variety of different types of computational units. The HPP brings together the latest technologies in multi-core CPUs, many-core GPUs, application-specific many-cores CPUs and FPGAs in a single prevalidated platform. The HPP development environment includes a complete ecosystem of tools, OS, hardware/Software IPs and reference designs.

Link to internal site: LAB - Heterogeneous Processing Platform (HPP)
Link to internal site: LAB - Heterogeneous Processing Platform (HPP)


HPP Accelerators

Accelerator Features Host Interface Compute Performance Power
Nallatech 385 Altera Stratix VMemory: 2 banks of 4 GB PCIe 3.0 x 8 Unavailable Typical application ≤ 25 W
Tesla K20 2496 CUDA coresMemory: 5 GB at 208 GB/s PCIe 2.0 x 16 3.52 TFLOPS (single precision)1.17 TFLOPS (double precision) 225 W
Xeon Phi 7120a 61 cores, 1.33 GHzMemory: 16 GB at 352 GB/s PCIe 2.0 x 16 Peak double precision 1.003 TFLOPS 300 W

HPP Software Stack and Tools

GPU Tesla K20 CUDA, C, CUDA C++, DirectCompute 5.0OpenCL, Java, Python, Fortran
Nallatech FPGA 385 Altera: Quartus, SDK for OpenCL
Xeon Phi 7120a Intel Parallel Studio XE
Intel C++/C/Fortran compliers, Intel Math Kernel LibraryDebuggers, Performance and Correctness Analysis ToolsOpenMP, MPI, OFED messaging infrastructure (Linux only), OpenCLProgramming Models: Offload, Native and mixed Offload + Native


  • Customizability: Select the right mixt of accelerators for your application
  • Greater flexibility for HW/SW exploration
  • Scalability: Create one node and scale up by adding more nodes
  • Fast automated setup and configuration
  • Faster path to commercialization
  • Technical support and training from CMC Microsystems


  • Software IPs and applications targeting heterogeneous parallel systems (e.g., imaging, video, and next-generation immersive applications such as computational photography and augmented reality)
  • Software stack including : parallel programming models, Compilers, Middleware, Runtime, Drivers and OSes
  • Hardware/Software exploration
  • Debug and trace of applications running on a heterogeneous parallel system


  • Online community forum
  • Technical support and training from CMC Microsystems
  • Documentation including design handbooks, application notes and design methodologies




Contact Us

Dr. Yassine Hariri
Senior Staff Scientist
AI/ML and Embedded Systems

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