
CMC Represents Canada at the 27th Annual World Micromachine Summit 

May 30, 2024: CMC President and CEO Gordon Harling had the honour of representing Canada at the 27th annual World Micromachine Summit, which was held May 26-29, 2024 in Gold Coast, Australia.

The World Micromachine Summit provides a Micro-Nano technology snapshot to worldwide Academic, Industrial and Government initiatives. Prominent experts and scholars from the most important regions and countries in the fields of Semiconductor, MEMS/NEMS and Quantum Computing participate in the Summit and present findings from their respective countries and ecosystems. 

The theme for this year’s edition of the Summit was Quantum semiconductor microtechnologies: novelty and re-emergence. Griffith University and The University of Western Australia hosted the event which brought together industries, governments, and delegates from around the globe, igniting discussions and collaborations to shape the future of quantum semiconductor microtechnologies.  

CMC is also delighted to announce that the 28th edition of the World Micromachine Summit in 2025 will be held in Montreal, Quebec. Follow us for more information on programming. 

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