lnx – Linux
lnx64 – Linux 64-bit – RHEL 5.5
sol – Solaris
Note: /CMC/scripts/ is assumed to be in your path (if not, prepend /CMC/scripts/ to the start_cds_ commands).
A GUI to start Cadence IC for the kits:\
Each kit must be started in its own directory. Running multiple kits from a single directory will cause errors.
Note: In the table below, the items marked GREEN are those installed and those in RED are not installed.
Vendor | Kit Name | Version | README | Env Script (/CMC/scripts/) | Cmd | Starts On | In Distribution |
AMIS | 0.5um | not permitted | |||||
AMS | 0.35um (amsp35) | (3.70_ic1541) (legacy only, use 3.80 instead) | kit.amsp35.v3.70_ic5141.csh | ams_cds | kits/amsp35_ v3.70_ic5141 | ||
(3.72_ic5141) (legacy only, use 3.80 instead) | kit.amsp35.v3.72_ic5141.csh | ams_cds | kits/amsp35_ v3.72_ic5141 | ||||
3.80_ic5141 | readme_AMS_v3.80 | kit.amsp35.v3.80_ic5141.csh | ams_cds (see readme) | kits/amsp35_ v3.80_ic5141 | |||
(4.00_ic61) (legacy only, use 4.10 instead) | kit.amsp35.v4.00_ic61.csh | ams_cds | kits/amsp35_ v4.00_ic61 | ||||
4.10_ic61 | readme_AMS_v4.10 | kit.amsp35.v4.10_ic61.csh | ams_cds (see readme) | kits/amsp35_ v4.10_ic61 | |||
ARM | artisan18 | 3.0 | for tsmc 180nm pdk | kits/artisan18.3.0 | |||
130nm cmrf8sf lib | 2010 | for IBM 130nm 8RF pdk | not permitted | ||||
Cadence | RFSiP | V7.2-011 | readme | kit.rfsip.v7.2 -011.csh | follow readme | lnx64 | kits/rfsip |
AMS kit | readme | follow readme | lnx64 | kits/AMSKIT61 | |||
Dalsa | cmosp8c | 3.5 | readme | kit.dalsa. cmosp8c.3.5.csh | startCds_cmosp 8c.3.5 | lnx64 | kits/cmosp8 |
cmosp8e | 3.6 | readme | kit.dalsa. cmosp8e.3.6.csh | startCds_cmosp 8e.3.6 | lnx64 | kits/cmosp8 | |
cmosp8g | 2.9 | readme | kit.dalsa. cmosp8g.2.9.csh | startCds_cmosp 8g.2.9 | lnx64 | kits/cmosp8 | |
IBM | 130nm cmrf8sf | V1.4.0.4DM | not permitted | ||||
V1.6.0.0DM | not permitted | ||||||
V1.7.0.0DM | PSA | not permitted | |||||
V1.8.0.1DM | PSA | kit.ibm130nm. v1.8.0.1.csh | startCds_ibm 130nm. | not permitted | |||
V1.8.0.2DM | PSA | kit.ibm130nm. v1.8.0.2.csh | startCds_ibm 130nm. | not permitted | |||
V1.8.0.4DM | PSA | kit.ibm130nm. v1.8.0.4.csh or kit.ibm130nm. v1.8.0.4_oa.csh | startCds_ibm130 nm. or startCds_ibm130 nm. | not permitted | |||
V1.8.1.0DM | PSA | kit_ibm130nmv1.8.1.0_oa.csh | not permitted | ||||
CMC | ga911 | 2.2 | readme | kit.cmc .ga911.2.2.csh | startCds_ga 911.2.2 | lnx64 | removed |
2.3 | PSA | kit.cmc .ga911.2.3.csh | startCds_ga 911.2.3 | kits/ga911 | |||
local | 2.3 | kits/local.2.3 | |||||
package | 2.2 | kits/package.2.2 | |||||
Science Foundry | Metal MEMS | v2.0 | kits/MetalMUMPs | ||||
Poly MEMS | v11.0 | kits/PolyMUMPs | |||||
SOI MEMS | v5.0 | kits/SOIMUMPs | |||||
ST | 28nm LP | 4.2.1 lnx | refer to the readme in the PDK | N/A | N/A | lnx64 | Not part of the STC distribution, installed on |
65nm | 1.0 lnx | readme | kit.st65nm .1.0.csh | startCds_st65 nm.1.0 | lnx64 | kits/cmos65nm. 1.0_lnx | |
90nm | 3.0 lnx | readme | kit.st90nm .3.0.csh | startCds_st90 nm.3.0 | lnx64 | kits/cmos90nm. 3.0_lnx | |
90nm IP | 1.1 | readme | kits/cmos90nm _ip.1.1 | ||||
Tezzaron | TDP_2010q2v1 | kit.tezzaron. tdp_2010q2v1.csh | startCds_tezzaron. 2010q2v1 | ||||
TDP_2011q2v2 | Readme | kit.tezzaron. tdp_2011q2v2.csh OR kit.tezzaron. tdp_2011q2v2_oa.csh | startCds_tezzaron. 2011q2v2 OR startCds_tezzaron. 2011q2v2_oa | kits/TDP_ 2011q2v2 | |||
TDP_2011q2v3 | Readme | kit.tezzaron. tdp_2011q2v3.csh OR kit.tezzaron. tdp_2011q2v3_oa.csh | startCds_tezzaron. 2011q2v3 OR startCds_tezzaron. 2011q2v3_oa | kits/TDP_ 2011q2v3 | |||
TSMC | 65nm GP (CRN65GP) | PDK 1.0c or PDK_OA 1.0c | readme | kit.tsmc65nm_gp.1.0c.csh (for Cadence IC51) or kit.tsmc65nm_gp_OA.1.0c.csh (for Cadence IC61) | icfb & or virtuoso & | not permitted | |
65nm LP (CRN65LP) | (PDK 1.5a) (LP process no longer supported by CMC, use GP instead) | readme | kit.tsmc65nm_lp.1.5a.csh (for Cadence IC51) | icfb & | lnx64 | not permitted | |
65nm libs | tcbn65gplus (v200a) tpan65gpgv2od3 (v200b) tpbn65v (v200b) tpfn65gpgv2od3 (v200c) | (Linked within tech.lib generated by CRN65GP startup methods.) | not permitted | ||||
65nm RDK | PSA | not permitted | |||||
90nm | CRN90G- TN90CMSP013K1_V 1.0A_RF_IO2.5V_TOPUTM CRN90G-TN90CMSP013_V1.1 | kit.tsmc90nm_gp.1.0a.csh | startCds_tsmc90nm _gp.1.0a | lnx64 | not permitted | ||
90nm libs | 1.0 | not permitted | |||||
General Application Notes | Readme | not permitted | |||||
130nm | CR013G – T013MMSP001K3_V1.4c | kit.tsmc130nm_gp_OA.1.4c.csh (for Cadence IC61) | virtuoso & | lnx64 | /CMC/kits/tsmc_130nm | ||
130nm libs | tcb013ghp tcb013ghphvt tcb013ghplvt tpa013nv3 tpb013v tpd013nv3 | PSA_libs | not permitted | ||||
180nm | 5.2 | readme | kit.tsmc180nm.5.2.csh | startCds_tsmc 180nm.5.2 | lnx64 | kits/cmosp18.5.2 | |
350nm | 4.3 | readme | kit.tsmc350nm.4.3.csh | startCds_tsmc 350nm.4.3 | lnx64 | kits/cmosp35.4.3 |
Permission Denied when Attempting to Download a Kit
Contact You likely do not have permission to access the kit.
If you are part 16 or more groups. CMC will need to create you a second login account and re-balance the number of groups between the logins, such that each login belongs to 16 groups or less. When you get a second login name, be sure to run:.
/bin/cmc_verify_setup -u SECOND_CMC_LOGIN
Alternatively, CMC could use a separate server to serve up “extra” kits. On the separate server you would belong to alternate groups thus preventing belonging to more than 16 groups at a time.
Permission Denied when attempting to run a kit
Verify you are in the correct group:
id -a
If you are in the kit group you may need to alter your gid, if you are in 16 or more groups, with: