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copy of Keysight B2902A Precision Source Measurement Unit

Keysight B2902A Precision Source Measurement Unit

The Keysight B2902A is a two-channel SMU capable of performing precise IV measurements and acting as an arbitrary waveform generator. The GUI offers four views: single channel, dual channel, graph, and roll (I-t or V-t curves). The B2902A supports four-quadrant measurements and standard built-in sweep procedures (linear, logarithmic, single and double sweep functions) DC or pulsed.

Keysight B2902A Precision Source Measurement Unit Read More »

photo of Keysight N9914A FieldFox 6.5 GHz Combination Analyzer (Cable, Antenna, VNA)

Keysight N9914A FieldFox 6.5 GHz Combination Analyzer (Cable, Antenna, VNA)

The Keysight FieldFox Combination Analyzer can be used with CMC’s Keysight Materials Meaurement Suite and Dielectric Probe Kit to test the permittivity of liquids and semi-solids up to 6.5GHz and using the coaxial probe method. This unit may also be used as a standalone VNA for cable and antenna testing, and comes in a portable, robust, battery operated package & carrying case. The unit’s included options allow for transmission/reflection measurements and time domain measurements. Additional measurement personalities can be added upon request.

Keysight N9914A FieldFox 6.5 GHz Combination Analyzer (Cable, Antenna, VNA) Read More »

photo of Materials Measurement Suite and Dielectric Probe Kit

Materials Measurement Suite and Dielectric Probe Kit

This software and hardware bundle automates permittivity and permeability measurements using the coaxial probe method in conjunction with a Keysight network analyzer such as a CMC loanable Keysight FieldFox portable RF Analyzer or the 26GHz Keysight M9375A multiport VNA. The Materials Measurement Suite is used to control the analyzer and measure the material’s response to radio frequencies from 10MHz to 50GHz depending on the combination of analyzer and probes used.

Materials Measurement Suite and Dielectric Probe Kit Read More »

photo of Harvard Apparatus Pico Plus Pump

Harvard Apparatus Pico Plus Pump

The Pico Plus infusion pump delivers low flow rates, either infusing or withdrawing fluid, at low to moderate back pressures. The device can hold any two syringes from 0.5 µl to 10 ml. The diameter and desired flow rate are entered via the keypad and stored in non-volatile memory. In the event of a power outage, the Pico Plus is equipped with “power failure mode” that allows the user to decide whether to turn the pump off or to resume pumping once power is restored. The pump can either operate in RATE mode, which continuously dispenses fluid at a specified rate, or the pump can release exact amounts of fluid in VOLUME mode.

Harvard Apparatus Pico Plus Pump Read More »

photo of EVERBEING Model C-2 Portable Probe Station

EVERBEING Model C-2 Portable Probe Station

EVERBEING’s model C-2 portable probe station, with a 12.5” square footprint, is ideal for DC and RF applications for samples of 2″ or less. The C-2 probe station stands on four vibration absorbing feet and is suitable for portable use at a desk, workbench or placement into an environmental chamber. The station is equipped with a USB microscope and vacuum pump for the vacuum chuck. Currently supplied with DC needle probes and 4 positioners, it is set up for DC I-V measurements, diode and transistor characterization and 4-point probe impedance measurements. Options are available from the manufacturer to equip the probe positioners for RF measurements, but this is not currently supported at CMC.

EVERBEING Model C-2 Portable Probe Station Read More »

photo of Agilent N9010A EXA X-Series Signal Analyzer - Frequency Range 10 Hz to 26.5 GHz

Agilent N9010A EXA X-Series Signal Analyzer – Frequency Range 10 Hz to 26.5 GHz

The Agilent N9010A EXA X-Series Signal Analyzer available from the CMC test equipment pool is a versatile test system that allows you to analyze a variety of signals, from a single tone to complex, modulated tones. It has potential applications in many research areas, including: RF/Microwave , mixed signal design, MEMS, and biomedical. The analyzer comes with a number of automated software application suites, including signal vector analysis, phase noise, and noise figure measurements. The instrument can be accessed and programmed remotely via USB or LAN and is LXI class C compliant.

Agilent N9010A EXA X-Series Signal Analyzer – Frequency Range 10 Hz to 26.5 GHz Read More »

photo of Agilent N9010A EXA Signal Analyzer10-13GHZ

Agilent N9010A EXA Signal Analyzer – Frequency Range 10 Hz to 13.6 GHz

The Agilent N9010A EXA X-Series Signal Analyzer available from the CMC test equipment pool is a versatile test system that allows you to analyze a variety of signals, from a single tone to complex, modulated tones. It has potential applications in many research areas, including: RF/Microwave, mixed signal design, MEMS, and biomedical. The analyzer comes with several automated software application suites, including signal vector analysis, phase noise, and noise figure measurements. The instrument runs Windows XP Pro operating system, and features Agilent proprietary firmware. Trigger modes include free run, line, video, external 1, external 2, RF burst and periodic timer.

Agilent N9010A EXA Signal Analyzer – Frequency Range 10 Hz to 13.6 GHz Read More »

photo of Agilent E5061B ENA Vector Network Analyzer, 5 Hz to 3 GHz

Agilent E5061B ENA Vector Network Analyzer, 5 Hz to 3 GHz

The Agilent E5061B ENA Vector Network Analyzer provides analysis capabilities from 5 Hz to 3 GHz. The dual port configuration allows S-parameter testing. This model is also equipped with a gain-phase test port to provide direct receiver access from 5 Hz to 30 MHz. Built-in DC biasing can superimpose up to ±40 Vdc on the signal at port 1 or LF OUT port.

Agilent E5061B ENA Vector Network Analyzer, 5 Hz to 3 GHz Read More »

photo of Agilent E4980A Precision LCR Meter

Agilent E4980A Precision LCR Meter

The Agilent E4980A precision LCR meter provides the best combination of accuracy, speed, and versatility for a wide range of component measurements. Offering fast measurement speed and outstanding performance at both low and high impedance ranges, the E4980A is the ultimate tool for general R&D and manufacturing test of components and materials. LAN, USB and GPIB PC connectivity enhances your design and test productivity.

Agilent E4980A Precision LCR Meter Read More »

photo of Agilent E4407B Spectrum Analyzer 26.5 GHz

Agilent E4407B Spectrum Analyzer 26.5 GHz

The Agilent E4407B Spectrum Analyzer displays signals in the frequency domain to examine its spectral content. The analyzer is versatile and useful for harmonic and spurious content analysis, width of signals after modulation, noise figure measurements and other applications. The spectrum analyzer is equipped with free run, single, line, video, offset, delayed and external trigger modes.

Agilent E4407B Spectrum Analyzer 26.5 GHz Read More »

Photo of National Instruments RF PXIe System Including a 26-GHz VSA

National Instruments RF PXIe System Including a 26-GHz VSA

The NI RF PXI-express system, available from the CMC Equipment Rental Program, is an 18-slot PXI-express chassis with high-speed controller (Intel quad core, 4 G memory and Dual OS), 6.6 GHz RF Vector Signal Generator, 26GHz GHz RF Vector Signal Analyzer, Source Measurement Unit, 1.5GHz Oscilloscope, 6.6GHz Vector Signal Generator. This system is an integrated, modular instrument with LabVIEW-based simulation/test environment which enables faster RF test and validation setup and experimental results.

National Instruments RF PXIe System Including a 26-GHz VSA Read More »

Photo of National Instruments PXI System with Two FPGAs, Image Acquisition Module, Digital Multimeter, and an Arbitrary Waveform Generator

National Instruments PXI System with Two FPGAs, Image Acquisition Module, Digital Multimeter, and an Arbitrary Waveform Generator

Modular hardware, managed with LabVIEW software, can be customized for a variety of applications including MEMS and microfluidics testing, video acquisition and processing, particle tracking, pattern matching and general-purpose data acquisition.

National Instruments PXI System with Two FPGAs, Image Acquisition Module, Digital Multimeter, and an Arbitrary Waveform Generator Read More »

Photo of National Instruments PXI System with an FPGA, Arbitrary Waveform Generator, Scope, and Digital Multimeter

National Instruments PXI System with an FPGA, Arbitrary Waveform Generator, Scope, and Digital Multimeter

Modular hardware, managed with LabVIEW software, can be customized for a variety of applications including MEMS and microfluidics testing, video acquisition and processing, particle tracking, pattern matching and general-purpose data acquisition.

National Instruments PXI System with an FPGA, Arbitrary Waveform Generator, Scope, and Digital Multimeter Read More »

Photo of 8970B

Agilent (Hewlett-Packard) 8970B Noise Figure Meter

The Agilent 8970B makes noise figure measurements in the 0 to 30 dB range. Measured noise can be displayed as noise figure or equivalent input noise temperature. Excess Noise Ratio (ENR) data can be entered in data tables on the noise figure meter. The meter uses this information to correct for ENR vs. frequency variations. The 8970B can be used with Agilent 346 (CMC loans the Agilent 346B Solid State Noise Source separately) or 347 noise sources.

Agilent (Hewlett-Packard) 8970B Noise Figure Meter Read More »

Photo of Agilent 87405A

Agilent 87405A Preamplifier, 10 MHz to 3 GHz

The 87405A Preamplifier is a multi-purpose instrument for any application that requires low noise and additional gain. The SNR of the final signal in an RF system is greatly impacted by the initial amplification of the signal and its original SNR. By having low noise figure in a preamplifier, the final signal will have a lower noise than without the preamplifier.

Agilent 87405A Preamplifier, 10 MHz to 3 GHz Read More »

Keysight RF PXIe System (upgraded M9381A)

This Keysight RF PXI-express system chassis, is an 18-slot chassis with a high-speed controller (Intel i7 with 16GB RAM) and a variety of RF and FPGA cards. The system includes a Vector Signal Analyzer (6.6GHz), a Vector Signal Generator (6 GHz with a reference frequency generator), DC power supply, digital I/O’s, Kintex-7 FPGA board, and several supporting accessories for a complete benchtop RF test environment.

Keysight RF PXIe System (upgraded M9381A) Read More »

Photo of Keysight_M9375A

Keysight 6-port VNA (M9375A)

The Keysight Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) comes with a wide bandwidth for 5G research and offers full 6-port analysis. It can also be combined with multiple Keysight VNAs for MIMO research and includes an automated electronic calibration kit to simplify and speed the process of getting the correct measurements quickly. Also available from CMC, these VNAs can be used with a Keysight Materials measurement suite software (N5100A) and dielectric probe kit to allow for research in dielectric resonators and interfacing with biological systems. The VNA is housed in an 18-slot M9019A Gen 3 Chassis and uses an M9037A Controller with a swappable SSD drive.

Keysight 6-port VNA (M9375A) Read More »

Photo of Agilent 81130A

Agilent 81130A Pulse Pattern Generator 660 MHz

The Agilent 81130A pulse generator can output pulses, digital patterns and three or four level signals. Load values other than the standard 50 Ω can be entered to display output values corresponding to the input load. Continuous, external triggered, external gain, external width or manual trigger modes. In the “external” modes the output pulse is enabled by an input signal’s transition, level (high or low), or period and width. The external input allows a maximum 15 Vpp signal and works from Vdc to 150 MHz.

Agilent 81130A Pulse Pattern Generator 660 MHz Read More »

Photo of Agilent 83110A

Agilent 81130A Pulse Pattern Generator 400 MHz

The Agilent 81130A pulse generator can output pulses, digital patterns and three or four level signals. Load values other than the standard 50 Ω can be entered to display output values corresponding to the input load. Continuous, external triggered, external gain, external width or manual trigger modes. In the “external” modes the output pulse is enabled by an input signal’s transition, level (high or low), or period and width. The external input allows a maximum 15 Vpp signal and works from Vdc to 150 MHz.

Agilent 81130A Pulse Pattern Generator 400 MHz Read More »

photo of Agilent 8110A

Agilent (Hewlett-Packard) 8110A Pulse Generator 150 MHz

The Agilent 8110A pulse generator can output pulses, digital patterns and three or four level signals. Load values other than the standard 50 Ω can be entered to display output values corresponding to the input load. Continuous, external triggered, external gain, external width or manual trigger modes. In the “external” modes the output pulse is enabled by an input signal’s transition, level (high or low), or period and width. The external input allows a maximum 15 Vpp signal and works from Vdc to 150 MHz.

Agilent (Hewlett-Packard) 8110A Pulse Generator 150 MHz Read More »

Photo of Aerotech ARM200

Aerotech ARMS200 Single Axis Rotary Motion Simulator

The Aerotech ARMS200, available from the CMC Test Equipment Pool, is a direct-drive, single-axis rotary motion simulator ideal for testing a variety of MEMS devices such as gyroscopes and accelerometers. The ARMS simulator comes with a Soloist HLe Controller and Linear Digital Drive unit. This combination of tools provides excellent velocity stability, high position resolution and accuracy, and superior angular rate and acceleration. The system is programmed and controlled from the host computer using Aerotech software (provided with the instruments when renting). Custom applications can be developed using NI Labview, C, and .NET.

Aerotech ARMS200 Single Axis Rotary Motion Simulator Read More »