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Agilent (Hewlett-Packard) 8110A Pulse Generator 150 MHz

The Agilent 8110A pulse generator can output pulses, digital patterns and three or four level signals. Load values other than the standard 50 Ω can be entered to display output values corresponding to the input load. Continuous, external triggered, external gain, external width or manual trigger modes. In the “external” modes the output pulse is enabled by an input signal’s transition, level (high or low), or period and width. The external input allows a maximum 15 Vpp signal and works from Vdc to 150 MHz.


  • Frequency Range: 1 Hz – 150 MHz
  • Voltage (50 Ω load): 100 mV – 10 V, 10 mV resolution
  • 10 ps timing resolution
  • Two output and one input BNC channels
  • 4 kbit pattern per channel


  • Bench top testing of logic circuits
  • General testing of materials and devices at different frequencies

What’s Included

  • Agilent 8110A Pulse Generator 150 MHz
  • Power Cord


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