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VTT Niobium SWAPS Junction Process


This two-layer process allows for the fabrication of Niobium side-wall passivated junctions via an Nb-Al-AlOx-Nb tri-layer, alongside an Nb wiring layer on top. 

CMC offers this process as part of a multi-project wafer (MPW) service.

  • Nb-Al-ALOx-Nb trilayer junctions 
  • High-resistivity silicon substrate
  • Nb wiring layer on top

The process provides 20 copies of the designs.


  • Josephson junctions
  • SQUIDs
  • JPA (Josephson parametric amplifier)
  • Low-temperature electronics
  • Resonators
  • Qubits


  • Design kits
  • Design-rule checking services
  • CMC engineering support


One tri-layer for junctions and an additional metallic layer

Design Kit


List Price
Price for Subscribers

Note: List pricing is in US funds and does not include engineering support. Contact fab@cmc.ca for a quote.

Note: Discounted pricing is available to academics in Canada with a CMC Subscription. You must sign in to see it.


Contact licensing@cmc.ca.

Minimum Access Requirement

For Canadian Academics

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