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National Instruments SA2500X High Impedance Active Probes

The SA2500X Probe has 2.5 GHz bandwidth and is system-independent, capable of plugging into any 50Ω-coupled BNC port. The probe tip housing is slim, allowing for multiple simultaneous measurements. This probe is typically loaned with the PXIe-5162 oscilloscope module in the Keysight M9019A PXIe Gen 3 Chassis.


  • 5 GHz Frequency Range
  • 10:1 Attenuation Ratio
  • ±8 V Dynamic Range
  • > 1 MΩ (at DC) and 0.9 pF Input Impedance


Side-by-side probe measurements

What’s Included

  • SA2500X High Impedance Active Probes
  • Accessories including ground leads, hooks, instruction manual, adapters and tips



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